Sunday, January 06, 2008

The State of This Country

I think it's safe to say that I am getting pretty worried about where my country is going to be headed come November. Everyone, including me is tired of the establishment of both parties. I'm especially growing tired of the Republican party itself. They've pretty much abandoned the principles of what got them the majority in the 90's. I'd like to consider myself a Conservative, and I'd like to vote for the best Conservative candidate, but I don't know which one would best represent my views.

I think Americans are just looking for solid, proven leadership at this point. I think that the best candidate that has proven leadership abilities is Rudy. America saw how he turned New York City around, and how he handled the tragedy of 9/11. He needs to wake up and change the way he's been running his campaign. For a while now, it's like he's taken a back seat and fell asleep. It's time to stand up and be a leader before the whole country forgets who you are! Now the Republicans are trying to snuff him out because he's not a true social Conservative.

I think this election will be the year of record turnouts of voters, which can be a good thing. With the Democrats going full bore with their campaigns of "change" the American people are beginning to seem like they are becoming brainwashed. I don't thing anyone in that party has proven leadership abilities. I can hear it in all of the candidates messages that they want to take care of us, and baby us. I don't want my government to take care of me. I want to live my own life! If you throw in a fresh new face like Obama, and throw out some of that "change" rhetoric, people will listen. The Dem's want to bring this country towards Socialism. As good as it sounds to have Nationalized healthcare, the truth is that it won't work. Look at Great Britain and Canada. They have long waiting lists when it comes to getting treatments for serious diseases. If they can't get the treatment that they need right away, they're going to head over to the U.S. and get the treatment they need right away! If you're not blind, you can see that happening now!

If you bring Socialized medicine to this country, we're going to head back to the Stone Age of medicine. Pharmaceutical companies aren't going to be researching for new medicines because the Big Government is going to hound them to keep their costs down. Coming up with new medicines is expensive, but as time goes on, costs go down. I'm not ready to stand in line until it's too late if I am diagnosed with cancer or any other serious disease. The American people need to wake up and fight the push towards Socialized health care, and keep the free market way of doing things.

Now you can see why this election has got me very very worried. Come November, I don't want to be wasting my vote with a third party because I don't like anyone for the other two parties. Now I consider myself a true Libertarian, and until they become more Mainstream, I vote Conservative.

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